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HEART【Humans.ai】 NO.5972
$ 0.01867
-2.12 %
0.019019043846631 24H最高
0.017246759708101 24H最低
0.22256456893759 历史最高
0.0036753940955001 历史最低
19113231.2 24H成交量
340597.78 24H成交额
78亿 总量
129795886.325 市值
10.28% 24H波幅
7281205259.24 流通数量
0.019228682422776 昨开
0.018023458317245 昨收
93.35 % 流通率



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  • HEART币介绍
Humans.ai is a next generation blockchain platform that brings together an ecosystem of stakeholders around the use of AI to create at scale. It combines a library of AI tools into a creative studio suite where users will be able to pick and choose as they bring their ideas to life. Individuals are empowered to create and own their digital likenesses, which may be used by themselves and others in the creation of any number of digital assets. The synthetic media, AI apps, and other digital assets utilize blockchain technology to generate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as a way of creating transparency, provenance, accountability, and long-term governance.
Humans.ai is a next generation blockchain platform that brings together an ecosystem of stakeholders around the use of AI to create at scale. It combines a library of AI tools into a creative studio suite where users will be able to pick and choose as they bring their ideas to life. Individuals are empowered to create and own their digital likenesses, which may be used by themselves and others in the creation of any number of digital assets. The synthetic media, AI apps, and other digital assets utilize blockchain technology to generate Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as a way of creating transparency, provenance, accountability, and long-term governance.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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