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MSB【Misbloc】 NO.1899
$ 0.00021
+1.94 % %
0.00051961230640245 24H最高
0.00034417701711628 24H最低
5.21040468 历史最高
0 历史最低
133069828.84 24H成交量
45869.17 24H成交额
3亿 总量
68604.0897 市值
50.97% 24H波幅
199019940 流通数量
0.00049075661564855 昨开
0.0003443156594394 昨收
33.33 % 流通率



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  • MSB币介绍
MISBLOC (Medical Information Service with Blockchain) is a medical service ecosystem, which is based on blockchain technology. In short, MISBLOC offers a sustainable medical service ecosystem, by utilizing selected medication information in a combination with a blockchain technology in the MyData era, which is the era of big data of individual lifelog, that connects telecommunication-medical-financial spheres.
MISBLOC (Medical Information Service with Blockchain) is a medical service ecosystem, which is based on blockchain technology. In short, MISBLOC offers a sustainable medical service ecosystem, by utilizing selected medication information in a combination with a blockchain technology in the MyData era, which is the era of big data of individual lifelog, that connects telecommunication-medical-financial spheres.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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