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MULTI【Multichain】 NO.431
$ 0.37900
-8.56 %
0.14557 24H最高
0.075567743800658 24H最低
38.624629748959 历史最高
0.075567743800658 历史最低
727868.65 24H成交量
105955.84 24H成交额
1亿 总量
1578837.2823 市值
92.64% 24H波幅
14541093.5633 流通数量
0.16701770574423 昨开
0.12756701105428 昨收
14.54 % 流通率



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  • MULTI币介绍
Multichain, rebranded from Anyswap, will continue with what it has achieved to date as a router protocol for Web3. As the trailblazer of decentralized cross-chain service, Multichain provides interconnect infrastructure for 27 mainstream public blockchains including Ethereum, Fantom, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Moonriver, Arbitrum, Polygon and Harmony. The Total Value Locked (TVL) on Multichain, whose number of users exceeds 300,000, is more than $5 billion, with over 1,000 crypto assets circulating among different mainnets. It is unsurpassed in terms of speed, security and decentralization. Builders can create application layers on top of it to strengthen DeFi composability.
Multichain, rebranded from Anyswap, will continue with what it has achieved to date as a router protocol for Web3. As the trailblazer of decentralized cross-chain service, Multichain provides interconnect infrastructure for 27 mainstream public blockchains including Ethereum, Fantom, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Moonriver, Arbitrum, Polygon and Harmony. The Total Value Locked (TVL) on Multichain, whose number of users exceeds 300,000, is more than $5 billion, with over 1,000 crypto assets circulating among different mainnets. It is unsurpassed in terms of speed, security and decentralization. Builders can create application layers on top of it to strengthen DeFi composability.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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