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PDT【ParagonsDAO】 NO.6000
$ 0.00000000000
0 %
0.074375165980546 24H最高
0.071077145625288 24H最低
0.56081981233303 历史最高
0.0052531809444404 历史最低
77881.13 24H成交量
5792.02 24H成交额
1.6亿 总量
11820932.7282 市值
4.64% 24H波幅
158936555.9375 流通数量
0.069552460723873 昨开
0.072807599752901 昨收
97.81 % 流通率



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  • PDT币介绍
We’re an economic and social partner-DAO to promising blockchain-powered gaming ecosystems. Formerly known as ParallelDAO, our focus at launch is the ground-breaking Parallel TCG. Harnessing the PDT token, holders control DAO-held assets (Masterpieces, Catalyst Drives, Prime Keys, etc.) while collectively participating in governance and growth by hosting tournaments, sponsoring players, creating content and anything else decided by the DAO. Paragons’ intentions are to add value to Parallel (and later other ecosystems), helping them gain user base growth via strategic partnerships within the NFT and DeFi communities. While the game is in its infancy, growing a strong community is paramount; this is where giving access (otherwise restricted to whales) to a wider audience will enfranchise new users and inspire greater participation. From here, the community of Paragons decide what this DAO becomes. Help us lead the way, become a Paragon today!
We’re an economic and social partner-DAO to promising blockchain-powered gaming ecosystems. Formerly known as ParallelDAO, our focus at launch is the ground-breaking Parallel TCG. Harnessing the PDT token, holders control DAO-held assets (Masterpieces, Catalyst Drives, Prime Keys, etc.) while collectively participating in governance and growth by hosting tournaments, sponsoring players, creating content and anything else decided by the DAO. Paragons’ intentions are to add value to Parallel (and later other ecosystems), helping them gain user base growth via strategic partnerships within the NFT and DeFi communities. While the game is in its infancy, growing a strong community is paramount; this is where giving access (otherwise restricted to whales) to a wider audience will enfranchise new users and inspire greater participation. From here, the community of Paragons decide what this DAO becomes. Help us lead the way, become a Paragon today!
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2024-08-23 23:09



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