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STT【Statter】 NO.714
$ 0.43160
+49.86 % %
0.26751007277001 24H最高
0.26284777559218 24H最低
1.6085190309169 历史最高
0.061833020806137 历史最低
115127588.1 24H成交量
30382170.5 24H成交额
9999万 总量
13287524.3209 市值
1.77% 24H波幅
50344589 流通数量
0.25497293130715 昨开
0.26479429071345 昨收
50.34 % 流通率



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  • STT币介绍
Statter Network (STT) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2019. Statter Network has a current supply of 99,994,281 with 50,344,589 in circulation. The last known price of Statter Network is 1.46991961 USD and is up 0.05 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 1 active market(s) with $4,129,554.69 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://statter.io.
Statter Network (STT) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2019. Statter Network has a current supply of 99,994,281 with 50,344,589 in circulation. The last known price of Statter Network is 1.46991961 USD and is up 0.05 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 1 active market(s) with $4,129,554.69 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://statter.io.
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2024-08-23 23:09



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